In 2009 people. Did you think that the dinosaurs were tired of harassing people? Not even close. This time, they are apparently going to riot in the city. Which city is yet to be seen, but speculation is New York. Great, first New York is frozen is The Day After Tomorrow and now it's going to be overrun by prehistoric reptiles with attitudes.
William Monahan will be penning the script and it should be a good story in terms of structure because he also wrote Kingdom of Heaven and The Departed. The same old silly actors will populate the screen: Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, and Richard Attenborough are all rumored (nothing is for sure yet).
There's not much on the Jurassic Park 4 IMDB page, except for the date and a few names associated with it right now. But hey, isn't that all we need for right now JP fans?
Stay tuned to this blog for updates.