Monday, June 9, 2008

Army Wives Season 2 Premiere

For those who have been waiting for years it seems, the season 2 premiere of Army Wives finally arrived. Last season ended with Marilyn's husband walking into a bar strapped with munitions and holding a hand grenade.

You probably figured he would complete the mission of jealousy and take care of business. The entire episode was wrapped around Pamela's radio show. She spouted off little wisdoms about strength and courage and the need for friends as the rest of the show revealed who had that wisdom and who didn't. It was a very emotional show as you find out who got hurt, how they were dealing with it and who died. I did find the little breaks of Pam's mini-soapbox annoying. I wanted more of the dramatics without her narration. This part of the show was lazy writing to me. Another subtly aggravating part to the show was Roxy. She was frustrated that she hadn't heard from her husband who had been deployed, but she wouldn't leave her house. She was very angry throughout the show, but then all of a sudden, Pam and Denise come over for five minutes and Roxy's all fine now. I felt her emotion was switched off too quickly.

Someone critical to the show dies. It would be a disastrous spoiler to tell you who does, so I won't. If you are a true fan, it should be on your DVR right now if you haven't watched it yet. There are some tear moments as well as some humor so if you saw all six episodes from last season you will have no problem settling in.

Overall, a good start to the season. From the previews, this season looks to be intense.

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